This section serves as a way for me to inform you about the current development state of some new features and bugs fixes.
A feature can be in one of the following three "levels" of development:
- In mind: Features that would be great to integrate into the asset.
- In Development: The feature is in development (this doesn't mean that the feature will be ready).
- Ready: It's done! this is going to the next release.
In mind
- Implementation of the character "vision", this can help a lot with specific gameplay mechanics where the camera should behave in one particular way. This
feature will be really helpful in combination with camera assets.
- Support for dynamic platforms while being "not grounded" (think of a character hanging from a moving/rotating platform).
In Development
- Playable-based animation system, supporting both individual clips and animator controllers for each state.
- Ground Alignment for the graphics object.
- Unity's ("new") Input system as the default input handler. This means this system will be a requirement (you'll need to download the package from the package manager). However, the old
system will be still supported (using a custom input handler).
- One Way platforms for 2D and 3D.
- No need for a SceneController anymore.
- Support for dynamic platforms.